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How Long Will It Take to Pay Off My Loan?

No one enjoys being in debt, but it is a place we all seem to find ourselves at certain points in our lives. By making a plan for consistent monthly payments toward your debt, you will be able to pay off your loan in due time. Use this calculator to determine how many payments it will take to pay off your loan.

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Understanding your current financial status can clarify both short and long-term goals. Our calculators help you get a clearer picture of where you are now financially, where you're headed, and what you can do to get there fast and with the best results.

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further reading

Fix Credit Score

How Does Your Credit Score Affect Your Mortgage?

Advice Hub | 5/1/2024

Boost your credit score before applying for a mortgage. Discover tips on disputes, timely payments, lowering credit utilization, and settling debts.

Advice Hub Article: Budget for the New Year

On Your Way to a Better Budget

Advice Hub | 12/19/2023

As you take the steps for control of your money, you'll find financial success is much more likely.

Advice Hub Article: Save, Spend, Give

Kids Inherit Financial Habits from Parents

Advice Hub | 4/18/2023

See what studies say about kids' financial habits and how you can talk to them about money.

Advice Hub Article: Join a Credit Union

Benefits of Joining a Credit Union

Advice Hub | 3/21/2023

As more people are learning the difference between a bank and a credit union, here are top reasons why many are making the switch.