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elevate money market

Your Elevate Money Market account is a tiered program, so the more money you have in your account, the higher your earning potential.


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elevate money market


elevate your savings and earn up to 3.75% APY1

save more with higher rates and still have access to your money

Get the most out of your money by earning a bonus dividend rate when you meet these monthly requirements:

  • enroll in eStatements to receive your statements electronically each month
  • +
  • have one direct deposit or one electronic payment each month (ACH)
  • +
  • swipe and sign a combined total of at least 20 debit or credit purchases each month (non-PIN based)
  • +
  • checking account Ultra or Rewards with $1.00 or more balance
  • earnings that go in the bank!

Elevate Money Market

Effective Date: February 01, 2025
Minimum Amount Dividend Rate APY1 APY with Bonus Rate2 test header
$0 0.000% 0.00% 0.00%
$1,000 0.747% 0.75% 3.25%
$100,000 0.995% 1.00% 3.50%
$250,000 1.243% 1.25% 3.75%
[1] Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. [2] Bonus rate of 2.50% APY when all of the following requirements are met: a) the owner of this account who will receive the tax statement (the “Tax Reported Owner”) is the Tax Reported Owner of an Ultra Checking account or a Rewards Checking account maintained with an average monthly balance of at least $1.00; b) a combined total of at least 20 cleared signature (swipe and sign) credit transactions/non-PIN based debit card transactions on such Ultra Checking account or Rewards Checking account and cleared credit transactions on a U Boost, U First, or U Rewards credit card account for which the Tax Reported Owner is a cardholder are posted by 11:59 PM ET on the second to last calendar day of the dividend period; c) one direct deposit or electronic auto payment (ACH) from your Ultra Checking account or Rewards Checking account that is posted by 11:59 PM ET on the second to last calendar day of the dividend period; d) active enrollment in e-statements. Rates may change after account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings on the account.

elevate money market

Open your account now

grow earnings

United calculates dividends daily and pays them monthly. Your money will grow faster compared to other standard share savings accounts.

access anytime

Your money is liquid and accessible via checks, in-branch, free Online Banking and over the phone.

United gives you the flexibility to access your money in multiple ways.

be confident

Deposits made in your Elevate Money Market account are insured up to $250,000 by NCUA. 

Also, have peace of mind knowing that you can use funds from your Money Market account to cover share draft account (checking) transactions.

save easier

Consider opening a Rewards or Ultra Checking account along with your Elevate Money Market.  

You can easily transfer money from your Money Market to your Checking account – which has ATM access and a debit card.

Helpful Hint

helpful hint

The more you save the more you earn!  The Elevate Money Market is a tiered program, so the more money you save, the higher your earning potential.